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Quolke's Corner 10/14/09

First of all, PLEASE PRINT A COPY OF YOUR INTERIMS FROM ESCHOOL and when the time comes PLEASE PRINT A COPY OF GRADES GIVEN ON ESCHOOL. Do this whether you think that you need it or not. If there is a discrepancy between the students that are in your class and the names that appear on your ESchool roster, please email your principal with the necessary corrections. This (in the end) will also serve as a piece of your documentation. Every period that you see a student and give that student a grade, he/she should appear on your interims and grades.  
The CTU and the District met on Tuesday to review the 2008-2009 special education settlements overage forms that were due on September 30. When the payment will be sent out is unknown. We are working with the District to get this done ASAP, so please be patient.
Forms have been sent to the principals for traditional overages for the first marking period interims. THERE IS NO FORM IN THE BUILDING FOR THE SPECIAL EDUCATION MAINSTREAMING, CASELOAD OVERAGES, ETC. As the CTU and District review the forms used to collect data from last year, they will decide if anything needs to be tweaked. After that a form will be agreed to and sent to each principal. Data will collected over the course of the school year – the form just needs to be reviewed, adjusted, agreed to, and sent out. So please just keep copies of your interims and grades from ESchool. I can not stress enough the importance of keeping a copy of these reports.  I know in some buildings finding a working printer is a challenge, but this has proven to be critical documentation for so many of our members that they find it worth the effort necessary to have the printouts. Media Specialists and kindergarten teachers keep attendance documentation.
Overage forms for K-3 classes over the limit of 20 were also sent to the principals. The Union has not yet signed an MOU for that compensation. Pg. 34 of the CBA states “…the limit in grades K-3 shall be twenty (20) to one (1). If a teacher’s class exceeds this limit, another teacher will be assigned to the grade. If the CTU believes the District has not made a good faith effort to assign an additional teacher, the CTU shall have the right to grieve the situation directly to the CEO or designee.” The CTU needs to grieve and then a settlement for compensation may be proposed by the District. There is no harm in filling out the form now; however, I want everyone to be aware of where things currently stand.
In Union,

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