Just a reminder to everyone that November is Open Enrollment month. Our Open Enrollment period this year will be from Monday, November 3 – Tuesday, December 2 (so that the enrollment will not begin and end on a weekend). Pin numbers were emailed to each member on October 31. If you are currently enrolled in the medical, drug, vision, or life insurance plans are satisfied with your benefit coverage you DO NOT need to take any action. However, I strongly recommend that you go online to verify what is listed in the computer for you is accurate and to review premiums.
You must go online if any of the following apply to you:
- You want to make changes to current medical, dental, or life insurance coverage.
- You have previously opted-out of benefits. You must opt-out every year.
- You have previously opened a Flexible Spending Account, you must renew every year. The amount that you selected for 2014 WILL NOT carry over.
- You would like to open a Flexible Spending Account.
Also note that Kaiser is transitioning to HealthSpan and all references to Kaiser coverage are being changed to HealthSpan.
A Flexible Spending Account is an IRS pre-tax dollar benefit covering healthcare as well as child and dependent care.
Per the CBA, there are two types of Flexible Spending Accounts. One is for un-reimbursed medical, drug, dental, or vision expenses that occur over the calendar year. In general, if you anticipate out-of-pocket expenses not covered by health care (braces, Lasik surgery, deductibles, copays) you can enroll and have pre-tax payroll deduction to cover expenses. While these pre-tax dollars go into an account, they do not continually roll-over. If you do not use those dollars in the specified time period you lose those dollars. Please see page 11 of the Open Enrollment Benefits Summary on the CMSD website, or www.healthscopebenefits.com for more information. The second is for dependent care which helps pay for child care or costs for the care of dependent adults unable to take care of themselves. Please see page 11 of the Open Enrollment Benefits Summary on the CMSD website or www.healthscopebenefits.com for more information.
To make any changes, opt-out, renew a Flexible Spending Account, or enroll for a Flexible Spending Account go to go to the CMSD website, click Teachers Links on the homepage, then click Open Enrollment. You will need your pin number. Pin numbers were emailed to each member on October 31.
Also in the email on October 31 is a link that is supposed to take you directly to the benefit page – there is a glitch and the District is working on it. You can view a Benefits Summary and the entire Open Enrollment Booklet from the District’s website www.clevelandmetroschools.org on the left side of the homepage, see Happening Now, a link to employee benefits is found there.
All changes must be made by midnight on December 2. Please do not wait until it is too late. If you have specific questions that you need answered by the Employees Benefits Department, email questions to: benefits@clevelandmetroschools.org.
The Charities of Choice campaign is under way. This is a great opportunity to give to the community organizations that support many of our schools and the children that we educate. Charities of Choice contribution forms are due back November 7. Everyone should have their form, but if not please see the Charities of Choice Champion in your building. You can choose to make your contribution to the United Way or Community Shares and you can designate an agency of your choice through either. Also this year, the United Way has option to designate your contribution directly to CMSD’s Wrap Around Strategy. If you have any questions about the Charities of Choice Campaign you can contact Meg Ryan at (216) 861-7676 ext. 231.
In Union,